Sunday, February 14, 2016

Review: Soulless by Kelly Martin
Sometimes all the wishing in the world doesn't change the fact that in order to save everyone, you have to destroy yourself.
Sometimes good doesn't always win.
Sometimes choices suck.
Sometimes people don't break their promises.
Sometimes the thing we hate the most is the one thing that can save us.
Sometimes love ruins everything.

Sequel to Heartless
Book 3: Breathless (September 4th, 2016)
Review: Rating- 5
I have done nothing but rave about Heartless (book one) and seriously thought it was going to be my favorite paranormal/supernatural book of the year, but Soulless has won that spot. I don't normally read horror books and I honestly wouldn't classify these as such. Heartless was slightly closer to the horror side of things, Soulless definitely isn't. There was suspense, a touch of romance, and a ton of feels.
Soulless can be broken down in three parts. The first 50% of the book Kelly Martin screws with your (Gracen's) mind, putting in doubts and insecurities and blowing everything up in front of you. Then for the next 30% it's just anxiety, anxiety to turn the page because you don't know if you're going to love it or hate and you're honestly going to flip flop the whole time. Finally that last 20% is all feels. All. The. Freaking. Feels. All of them.
Gracen was created to let Hell loose and finds out she has the capacity to be one scary creature. This is the story of Gracen fighting that scary creature inside of her. To keep her own humanity. To not have her destroy the world.
I'm a sucker for dual point of view. I love it, especially when the other point of view is from the male in the book. Hart is one interesting demon and has a ton of secrets. I loved seeing what his part in all of this truly is and I'm curious to see where it leads him in the next book.
 Soulless is book two in a trilogy. Breathless (book three) comes out in September. Soulless does leave on a cliffhanger, but it's not one of those evil cliffhangers. There is an epilogue that was hands down everything I ever hoped to have in these books. This book was worth the wait. Now the wait begins for Breathless.

Favorite quotes:
Hell was real. And if I'm not stopped, I'll make it look like Disneyland.

"Tell me why you stay Sam." I push.
Hart lowers his head, averting looking in my eyes. "Because you love him."

"You need blood. I have blood. And I'm heading to your mother's house. So if you want to follow your free buffet, come with me. If not, find your own damn Happy Meal. I'm done."

We all have darkness inside us. Everybody does.